Fund Management for Professionals

Transform your fund management - discover the power of one comprehensive platform.


Primera INVEST

  • Investment fund management
  • Transactions with financial instruments
  • Daily net asset value calculation
  • Purchase and redemption of units
  • Automated accounting
  • Financial reporting


  • Automated management and valuation of clients’ portfolios (asset management)
  • Multiple models / investment strategies, management of clients’ portfolios according to a selected strategy
  • Group order entry for portfolios with an identical investment policy
  • Limit overdraft monitoring at three levels: portfolio, portfolio type, and for all portfolios
  • Automated delivery of reports with portfolio data to the clients


  • Treasury management
  • Cash flow management and planning
  • Liquidity and surplus management by means of financial instruments including leasings and loans
  • Risk management and hedging based on derivatives
  • Automated accounting
  • Interface to ERP systems
  • Advanced reporting


  • Solution for investment funds' custodian banks
  • Control of investment fund's daily NAV calculation
  • Purchase and redemption of units
  • Fund limits control
  • Custodian reporting


  • Core custody solution
  • Registers of clients, accounts and securities
  • Settlement of instructions
  • Corporate actions
  • Custodian reporting for clients, regulators and the bank



  • Entry of transactions with financial instruments
  • Overview of all transactions, both with financial instruments and units
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  • Daily calculation of financial instruments, assets and liabilities values
  • Automated NAV (Net Asset Value) calculation
  • Hierarchical overview of portfolio structure
  • Control of investment limits

Finance and accounting

  • Automatic portfolio bookkeeping through posting schemes for all daily transactions entered in the Portfolio module
  • Fully compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and legal framework
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  • General ledger
    • Detailed overview of bookkeeping orders
    • Detailed and summarised reviews of accounts
    • Advanced search through bookkeeping orders, accounts and transactions
  • Calculation of gains and losses using FIFO or weighted average method
  • Posting schemes, customisable chart of accounts in accordance with local legislation
  • Fully automated posting


  • Detailed client register
  • Issuance, withdrawal, ban on withdrawal, transfer of units
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  • Automatic calculation of various fees (Management, Custody, Regulatory)
  • Journal of all clients’ transaction in the investment fund
  • Documents related to transactions and positions in the investment fund
  • Preview of Units and Unit Price
  • Preview of Individual Client Balances
  • Preview of Unit Purchase and Sale, Client Analytics
  • FATCA / CRS compliance


  • Daily and Periodically
  • Finances and Accounting
  • Regulatory Reports
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  • Client (Unit Holder) Reports
  • Custodian Reports
  • Reports for Management
  • User-defined reports
  • Even more...

Front office

  • Entry and overview of investment decisions, trade orders and trade tickets
  • Document flow (Investment decision > Order > Ticket)
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  • Status flow of investment decisions, orders and tickets
  • Overview of portfolio positions
  • Pre-trade limit control
  • Documents printing

Middle office

  • Overview of investment decisions
  • Authorization of investment decisions
  • Overview of trading tickets
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  • Authorization of trading tickets
  • Limits administration
  • Limits reporting
  • Risk management reports


  • Detailed definition of investment restrictions along various dimensions
  • Setup of limits in accordance with legal framework / fund documents / internal procedures
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  • Automatic verification of limits for all funds under management
  • Historical overview of limits, exceeded limits and compliance

Risk management

  • Risk monitoring, controlling, and reporting
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  • Monitoring and controlling the risks arising from transactions and portfolio positions:
    • interest rate risk
    • exchange rate risk
    • market risk

Value at Risk (VaR)

  • Calculation of portfolio Value at Risk using historical and parametric method
  • Historic simulation is based on an iterative valuation of portfolio for each day in certain time period
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  • Parametric method represents approximation based on volatility and correlation of relevant market factors (exchange rates, reference interest rates, security prices) for a given portfolio
  • Overview of past VAR calculations

Cash flow

  • Daily cash reconciliation - payments and receivables
  • Cash flow estimation
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  • Manual inputs and corrections of cash payments and receivables
  • Daily review of account balances for all managed funds
  • Positions in a particular currency
  • Cash inflows and outflows of a particular position (e.g. client receipts and payments)

Business intelligence

  • Ad-hoc reporting based on summary fund data and data from portfolio and clients modules
  • Set of built-in standard reports
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  • Graphs, dashboards and scorecards, report scheduling and delivery alerts
  • Web-based interface on multiple supported platforms:
    • Microstrategy
    • Oracle Business Intelligence

Sales network

  • Entry of applications for purchase/sale by agents at remote locations via the web
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  • Overview and approval of purchase/sale applications entered by agents
  • Automatic creation of client related records based on applications entered by agents
  • Automatic creation of back office purchase/sale transactions based on applications entered by agents


  • Automatic calculation of agent fees
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  • Administration of agent commission rates and agent hierarchy
  • Administration of provision types and basis for provision types
  • Hierarchically-structured fee distribution
  • Fee calculation overview, historical data
  • Analytical and aggregate Reporting

Automated report delivery

  • Automatic delivery of reports for selected unit purchase/sale applications and/or clients
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  • Per client administration of report delivery methods
  • Advanced search and selecting of applications for purchase/sale
  • Advanced search and selecting of clients
  • Real time overview of report delivery status


  • Selfcare web portal for investment fund clients
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  • Overview of number and value of client’s shares
  • Graphical and numeric presentation of funds' parameters and the movement of key values
  • Entry, review and download of client’s applications for purchase/sale
  • Administration of client's personal data and reports delivery methods

Services For The Financial Industry

IFRS Accounting - Consulting

  • Investment Fund Accounting
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Treasury Accounting

Business intelligence

  • Business intelligence consulting and development
  • Data mining and knowledge discovery

Interfaces for financial services

  • Integration with Internet banking systems by means of Primera Web API
  • Publishing funds’ data to the official web pages and various financial web portals
  • Data delivery to custodian banks
  • Retrieval of instrument prices and exchange rates from external sources
  • Data exchange for FATCA and CRS screening
  • Automated e-mail delivery of reports to clients
  • Integration with applications in branch offices



About Us

Primera 7 is a software and service company that provides business solutions for fund management companies, asset and portfolio managers, custodians and corporate and bank treasuries. Today we have an important role in the software market for fund and treasury management in South-eastern Europe.

Our understanding of finance business processes and IT expertise provide our clients with a competitive advantage. As we have repeatedly successfully implemented our solution along with data migration for many well-known Central European financial groups (e.g. Raiffeisen, Erste, Volksbank, BNP Paribas, Wuestenrot, ERGO), we have a highly experienced team of experts who can successfully carry out projects in the financial sector.

Key business areas covered by Primera 7 software

  • Straight Through Processing > Front Office - Middle Office - Back Office - Payment - Settlement
  • Portfolio management and trading
  • Real time portfolio and cash flow overview
  • Risk management and limit control
  • Portfolio evaluation and NAV calculation
  • Settlement and payment instructions
  • General ledger and posting in accordance with IFRS
  • Regulatory reporting; FATCA reporting
  • Client reports; Fund fact-sheets; Key investor information document
  • Business intelligence implementation and consulting
  • Investor web and mobile portal
  • Integration with sales networks
  • Customer relationship management

Strengths of Primera solutions

  • Fully automated portfolio evaluation and accounting
  • Compliance with local legislation and regulations
  • Multi-currency & multi-lingual applications
  • Modular and scalable architecture
  • Easy to use web-based user interface
  • Integration with other IT systems via Primera Web API
  • Automated data migration
  • Based on Microsoft, Oracle and SAP technologies
  • Team experienced in financial sector
    • More than 30 implementations of our solutions
    • More than 15 data migration projects from existing solutions
    • Custom development
    • Certified professionals

Current and prospective clients

  • Investment funds
    • Open-end funds (UCITS and non-UCITS)
    • Closed-end funds
    • Exchange traded funds - ETFs
    • Real estate funds
    • Hedge funds
    • Private equity funds
  • Pension funds
  • Custodians
  • Bank treasuries
  • Corporate treasuries
  • Insurance company treasuries
  • Leasing and factoring company treasuries

How can we help you?

  • Simultaneous management of multiple funds / client portfolios
  • Straight through processing > Front Office – Middle office – Back office – Payment – Settlement
  • Management of daily task execution for each fund
  • Automatic data import from external sources (prices, exchange rates) simultaneously for all funds
  • Parameter specification for each fund
  • Various methods available for portfolio accounting – FIFO, weighted average
  • Various methods available for interest accrual – first day accrual, last day accrual
  • Client configurable chart of accounts and booking scheme
  • Fees – Management, Custody, Regulatory
  • Independent accounting for each fund / client portfolio, transaction entry, portfolio overview
  • Management of various portfolio types according to International Financial Reporting Standards and national law
  • Autonomous definition and generation of specific reports available to application users
  • Automatic assignment of register number for clients and history of changes in client specific data

Which financial instruments are supported?

  • Cash accounts
  • Deposits
  • Repos
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Bills
  • Open-end Funds
  • Closed-end Funds
  • Real Estate
  • Limited company shares
  • Loans
  • Leasings

  • Options
  • Futures
  • FX forwards
  • Forward rate agreements (FRA)
  • FX swaps
  • Interest rate swaps (IRS)

What about connecting to external systems?

  • Loading and Importing Bank Statements
  • Payment Operations and Automatic Reconciliation of Bank Statements
  • Automatic Import of Stock Exchange Prices
  • Automatic Import of Exchange Rates
  • Connectivity with Financial Services – Reuters, Bloomberg

What report types are included?

Daily and Periodically

  • Portfolio preview per instrument
  • Portfolio preview per portfolio type
  • Preview of transactions (per partner or for all transactions)
  • Entry of Limits per Instrument and Portfolio Type, automatic warnings when limits are exceeded
  • Overview of non-reconciliated liabilities and receivables
  • Overview of Transaction Fees
  • Specification and Management of Various Fees
  • Historical Data for prices, exchange rates, portfolio
  • Preview of Unit Holders and Transactions with Units

Finances and Accounting

  • General Ledger
  • Account Card
  • Voucher
  • Balance per Account
  • Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss)
  • Specific Regulatory Reports
  • Non-realized Profit/Loss per Instrument
  • Realized Profit/Loss per Transaction
  • Unit Balance and Turnover per Period
  • Investment Structure and Limits
  • Transactions with Related Subjects

Regulatory Reports

  • Investment and Pension Funds, Custodian Banks
  • Reports for Bank Treasury (loading of data into main accounting system)
  • Reports for Enterprise Treasury (loading of data into main accounting system)

Client (Unit Holder) Reports

  • Purchase Confirmation
  • Sale Confirmation
  • Balance of Units

Custodian Reports

  • Structure of Assets and Liabilities
  • Unit Balance and Turnover
  • Fund Asset Evaluation and NAV calculation

Request Info

If you require more information or would like to have a demonstration of our products and services, please send us an e-mail to or fill out the form and we will get in touch with you shortly.